Friday, September 3, 2010

Movie night

Thursday evening is 2 for 1 night at the movie theater in town. So, Vel and I went to the Movie "Salt" for 6 dollars total. That is a deal!  We really liked the movie, it was very suspenseful! They ended it in a way, that there could be a sequel.  So, we recommend the movie, if you are looking for a good one to go to. 
We had to turn on the furnace this morning! It was 62 degrees inside when we got up and around 50 degrees outside.  Fall is coming! It 's going to be a great weekend for sitting around the fire!  We have quite a few campers coming in for the weekend, today.  So, between 4 and 8pm while I'm working in the office, we should be hopping!
We will be leaving the campground sometime next week. Not sure right now if it will be Tuesday or next Saturday, or whenever.  I want to get the 5th wheels tires and brakes checked out and we have a few other things going on. So, we'll see how it all works out.
I better get busy -M

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