Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hop-along's Progress

Vel is now 1 week post-op and she is still doing well.  She is only using 1 crutch to get around. She has had a couple of Physical Therapy sessions and is doing her exercises at home.  So, hopefully, things will continue to progress nicely and  we will head south before the snow starts to fly!!
I've been keeping busy, doing this and that.  The days have flown by!   I was on the web site, so, I've been cooking some healthy suppers.  It's been kind of fun!  We've had Teriyaki pork chops with Blueberry-ginger relish, Steamed tilapia, Szechuan Tofu with green beans and Friday I'm making Shrimp Enchilada Bake.  So far they've turned out  pretty good.  Vel told me today that she's ready for some good  Beef.( I agree with her)   So, I guess I'll have to find a lean beef recipe.
Today is going to be a rainy, lazy day!  Later-M

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's a new knee!!

We were at the Surgical Center at 5:45 a.m. this morning, for Vel's Left Total Knee replacement. (I wonder if they would give her a discount, since she had her Rt. one replaced this last spring or a 2 for one!!!)   She was in surgery for about an Hour and a half.  All went well according to the Dr.   When I left this afternoon, she was eating lunch, and her spinal was wearing off.  So, her knee was starting to hurt some, but she said she just wants to get going with the therapy. Happy Birthday, Vel!!! 
Tucker just wants her home, so he can give her his special kisses!!  And he's hoping that during her down time she can do some blogging for him. It's been toooooo long!! far so good, hope it continues that way! -M

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Moving along

We left the campground last weekend and made our move to Lincoln. Vel is getting her left knee replaced this Thursday.  It's her birthday present to herself!  Her right knee is doing so well and she no longer has pain when she walks on it.  She is hoping the left will do as well!  We will keep our fingers crossed!
The pictures are on the back road we took to visit my folks.  I can't believe that the tree hasn't fallen down yet. Half of the root system is exposed.  I love the green rolling hills, each State has it's own beauty!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just a short blog

Labor day weekend was busy and relatively quiet. The weather turned out to be very nice. Just warm enough for the pool on Sunday, for some. Yesterday we threw the cover on the pool, oops it was upside down.  No problem, we had enough people to help us flip it over. 
Today we are packing up the rig, the tires need rotating, lube and repacked.  I figure this is as good of time as any. We'll bring it back to the campground when it's done.  So, I guess I better get busy-Later-M

Friday, September 3, 2010

Movie night

Thursday evening is 2 for 1 night at the movie theater in town. So, Vel and I went to the Movie "Salt" for 6 dollars total. That is a deal!  We really liked the movie, it was very suspenseful! They ended it in a way, that there could be a sequel.  So, we recommend the movie, if you are looking for a good one to go to. 
We had to turn on the furnace this morning! It was 62 degrees inside when we got up and around 50 degrees outside.  Fall is coming! It 's going to be a great weekend for sitting around the fire!  We have quite a few campers coming in for the weekend, today.  So, between 4 and 8pm while I'm working in the office, we should be hopping!
We will be leaving the campground sometime next week. Not sure right now if it will be Tuesday or next Saturday, or whenever.  I want to get the 5th wheels tires and brakes checked out and we have a few other things going on. So, we'll see how it all works out.
I better get busy -M