Friday, August 20, 2010

Winding down

This tree frog was on the CRV's back door the other day. Cute little thing!  We have alot of toads here at the campground. Last weekend there was a group of girls "collecting" them.  I walked over to the playground at 10 pm, to remind them of "quiet time" and they had at least 25 of the toads on the slide.  They were going to count them and then let them go. Poor things!
We have less than 3 weeks left here at the campground.  Then we will head to Lincoln, because Vel has decided to get her other knee replaced. So, after she recovers from that, we will head south! 

Vel's CRV hit the 100,000 mile mark this summer, it's been a good little car!  I don't think she is going to take it south this winter, so she has to decide whether to sell it or just store it. Time will tell!
Not much going on, I think we both have hitch itch, we are ready for our next stop! Later-M

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