Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's a moth, no a bird, OMG it's a bat!!

Vel and I did our rounds, to check on things, at the campground last evening. We walked into the dark office and I saw something fly from the corner of my eye. I just thought it must be a big moth. As I was walking towards the front of the office, I realized how big it was, a bird.  It was flying so fast, it took us a few fly bys to realize that it was a bat!  OMG!!!! So, then I duck, and Vel is yelling to turn on the lights and open the door. That's what I did, ducking the whole time!!  Vel grabbed a towel and is shooing it towards the door!  It didn't want to be in there any more than we wanted it in there.  And after about 10 circles around the room it finally exited!!  Whew!!!! Thank Goodness, it was out of there!!!  Gave me the hebe jebes!!!  I like bats when they are outside eating the mosquitoes, not inside!!
So, that was our excitement for the evening!! Enough of that!-M

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