Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time winding down

We have less than a week here at the campground. Wow, our time here has gone fast! I can't believe tomorrow is September 1st!  We are surrounded by soybean and corn fields, they are just starting to dry out. So, it won't be long before the farmers start harvesting. We are going to be full this weekend for Labor Day, the last summer hooray! 
Not much happening at the campground.  Last Tuesday we had a camper pull in and asked at the front desk if our campground was quiet. He was told yes, which it is during the week and we are pretty strict on our quiet hours 10pm to 8am. Well, Wednesday is mowing day and he got a little upset when we started mowing. DUH!!  The problem was, his chronically ill wife sleeps during the day and it needs to be quiet. The owner went over to talk to him, and told him that to keep our campground nice, we need to keep up with our maintenance schedule. So, they compromised and just mowed on the south side of the campground and not the north, where he was.  I bet they don't find too many campgrounds that would accommodate them, that well.

I found this grill grate of the Internet a while back, just thought is was funny.-Later-M

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

campground news

Yesterday we had a motorhome come in and backed into the water/electric post at their site.  OOPS!!  That didn't make the owners of the campground very happy. The motorhome is new to the guy and I just don't think he is use to it yet.  Hopefully he gets out and double checks or has a helper from now on. Or it could get a little costly for him!
He put a little dent in his bumper, but that still hurts, especially when it's a new rig!
Also yesterday we had a couple from Australia come in. The lady flew to L.A. and went with a group to do a 22 cities in 26 days tour of the southern United States. And then the guy flew to New York to meet her and they now are renting a Motorhome and driving back to L.A.  They are heading to Yellowstone from here. She told us about the places they have stopped and to listen to her in her Australian accent was interesting. Very cool couple!
That's life at the campground!!-M

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's a moth, no a bird, OMG it's a bat!!

Vel and I did our rounds, to check on things, at the campground last evening. We walked into the dark office and I saw something fly from the corner of my eye. I just thought it must be a big moth. As I was walking towards the front of the office, I realized how big it was, a bird.  It was flying so fast, it took us a few fly bys to realize that it was a bat!  OMG!!!! So, then I duck, and Vel is yelling to turn on the lights and open the door. That's what I did, ducking the whole time!!  Vel grabbed a towel and is shooing it towards the door!  It didn't want to be in there any more than we wanted it in there.  And after about 10 circles around the room it finally exited!!  Whew!!!! Thank Goodness, it was out of there!!!  Gave me the hebe jebes!!!  I like bats when they are outside eating the mosquitoes, not inside!!
So, that was our excitement for the evening!! Enough of that!-M

Friday, August 20, 2010

Winding down

This tree frog was on the CRV's back door the other day. Cute little thing!  We have alot of toads here at the campground. Last weekend there was a group of girls "collecting" them.  I walked over to the playground at 10 pm, to remind them of "quiet time" and they had at least 25 of the toads on the slide.  They were going to count them and then let them go. Poor things!
We have less than 3 weeks left here at the campground.  Then we will head to Lincoln, because Vel has decided to get her other knee replaced. So, after she recovers from that, we will head south! 

Vel's CRV hit the 100,000 mile mark this summer, it's been a good little car!  I don't think she is going to take it south this winter, so she has to decide whether to sell it or just store it. Time will tell!
Not much going on, I think we both have hitch itch, we are ready for our next stop! Later-M

Saturday, August 14, 2010

cooling down finally

Not much going on at the campground. There are quite a few people heading home from Sturgis and staying the night. They all look pretty exhausted! One guy said it was his 1st time and might be his last," too crazy up there" is what he said. 
It has finally cooled down today, it's suppose to be in the upper 50's tonight. Good camping weather!!
Tucker has his "let's play ball" face, just waiting for someone to throw the ball!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting slow on blogging

Last week we had a family of 5 roll into the campground in this R.V., Nice Rig!  I wonder how much 4 wheeling they do in it.  Very nice family and it sounded like they have been quite a few places!
Last Friday we met my folks in Decatur,NE at the Green Lantern for Lunch.  We had to cross the Missouri river bridge, that was built in the early 1950's. A few years ago the toll was 50 cents a car, last year it was 75 cents and now this year it is 1.00!  Good Grief!
The Lunch menu was mostly sandwiches.  Mom and I had a very good Reuben, Dad had a roast beef. Vel had a hamburger and said it was one of the best she's ever had!  Mom order a side of onion rings and they were the homemade kind, with a thin layer of batter!  I haven't had that good of onion rings in a long time!
So, we recommend the Green Lantern for lunch!

Sunday we went over to my folks house and then Mom and I went to Fremont, just for fun!  Vel stayed there with Dad and the  "furry kids".  Then at about 7pm, when we were thinking about leaving to head back to the campground, a storm decided to come through. So, we decided to stay and wait it out and got back home at about 10:45pm.  It rained and blew pretty good, but no damage at my folk's house.  On the way back home, we watched in "ah", the lightening storm it created in the distance. Very Cool!!
Well, that's it for now-M

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Canadian Bicyclist

Saturday we went over to my folk's house. Vel painted a bench and I fixed the flag pole. The flag is a little shorter than what it was, but I think it will work.  Vel grilled some steaks for supper, mighty tasty!  After we got back to the campground, we noticed a gentleman, tent camping with his dog. Nothing unusual about that, except he was from Quebec Canada, heading to San Diego, CA.  Then after a month there, head to China, by ship of course. And eventually around the world.  He had built his house by a lake 2 years ago and then decided to do this. So, he sold his house to his brother and everything else he had and took off on his 5 year adventure!
He stopped in the office Sunday morning while I was working and extended his stay for a day. He said every 7 days he likes to take a break from the road. I asked him if his dog runs along the side of him. He said for only the first mile or so and then he rides in his cart behind his bike. His dog is 3 1/2 years old and is very well behave. He talks to him in French. 
As it turned out we had alot of rain coming in on Monday, so he stayed another day.  You could tell he was anxious to get going, but he is also wanted to be safe on the roads.  He said he plans his route as he goes along, and asks people their opinions.  He will camp and stay in motels. 
He headed out this morning, and it was sad to see him leave, he was so interesting to talk to. I hope he has a safe and adventurous journey!
Yesterday we went to Sioux City to run a few errands. We drove along the Missouri River and it is very full!  We stopped to see a couple that we workcamped with last year.  They are staying at a campground by the river.  They had just moved to a different spot, because the river was too close to them at there first site.  Scary!  -M

Beautiful Sunrise!