Sunday, May 15, 2011

Robin Update

Panting ?? 90 degree day

Last week we had temps in the 90's and Lady Robin kept her beak open the whole time.  Do birds pant like dogs, when they are hot????
Raining out, Acting like an umbrella
 Then a couple days later, it cooled down and it rained. Lady Robin spread her wings out like an umbrella as she sat on the nest.  Pretty cool, Huh!!?
Mama and Poppa with worm
Last evening when I checked there were 3 eggs in the nest.  Then this morning, we saw Mama and Poppa standing on the edge with a worm.  Mama eventually swallowed it, sat on the nest for a while and then took off. So, we quickly took a peek and saw that 2 eggs had hatched!!  Pretty cool!!

2 have hatched

All three have hatched!!
Then this afternoon, we took another peek while Mama and Poppa were away, and all three have hatched. The one on top had his/her mouth open, right before I took this shot.  Must be hungry already!!
I'll keep you posted-Later-M     

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