Sunday, February 13, 2011


The neighborhood Guinea Hens
  In our park we have a group on Guinea Hens, Roosters, and Black Chickens. Along with a goat. The story with the goat is that the county just let three of them roam around to keep the grass down. They all have a big yellow tag hanging from their ear. If you saw the goat from behind it almost looks like a deer. So, one of our neighbors call it a doat. Funny!!
The birds are from the neighbors of the campground and just visit now and then.


The birds on the beach are interesting. We don't see these in Nebraska.

Terns, Skimmers and Seagulls on the beach
 Last week it got below freezing for about 3 nights and was very cold during the day. So, we unhooked the water during those nights and put up blankets and towels on the windows to keep the warmth in. I think it helps, but it feels like we are in a cave.  Saturday Morning, things were warming up, so off came the insulation and in came the sun!!! Yeah!!!!
This coming week is suppose to be very nice. 70's!!!  Sounds like a beach day coming up!!!
I can't wait! Later-M

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