Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Keeping Busy

PVC bike rack
 Well, I made my PVC bike rack for the pick-up. But it will also work just sitting by the rig. When it's in the pick-up, the back wheels will go in the rack and the front tires come off and the forks fit inside the U shaped pvc. I tried it out and with a few bungies, it will work great.
    I took a few pictures of our site, it's in the new area of the park. We like it!

We drove over to the beach the other day, hardly anyone was there and it was a nice day.  Everyone must be out shopping for Christmas.  We saw Santa shirtless!, along with his elves!!

Beach Christmas decorations

We drove around town the other night looking for Christmas lights. We found a few, but not alot. The full moon with the Town's Christmas tree across the bay, was a very pretty sight. The picture just doesn't quite show how cool it was.
I can't believe we've been here 3 weeks now, time has gone by so fast. 
Yesterday, we cleaned the carpet, and today after grocery shopping, I washed and treated the pick-up. There is always something to do! 
Full moon with Lighted Christmas tree across bay

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