Sunday, October 24, 2010

Geocaching with the kids

Yesterday, I went geocaching with my brother, niece and nephew.  We found 4 out of 6 geocaches.  It was beautiful day to be out and about!  Zoe ended up on Daddy's shoulders for half of the adventure, she was getting tired!  All in all, I think we all had fun!
Then we all came back to the rig and watched the Nebraska-Oklahoma State football game.  Zach and Zoe got their Toby, Tucker and Luxi fix. (or is it the other way around?)

Luxi got a new sweater!  She is a cold dog, we have to put a sweater on her at night and in the cool mornings, otherwise she is shivering if we don't.  She's a southern dog for sure!

And here are some recent pictures of Toby and Tucker, they are all doing great!
We forgot a load of clothes in the dryer, when we left my Folk's house last week. So, Friday we met them halfway for Lunch. And ontop of the folded clothes, my mom left a baggy of cheerios for the "furry kids".  She doesn't want them to go without their cheerios in the mornings! ( They all sit around her in the morning waiting for them, when we stay at their house!)  I think she's going to miss the dogs!-That's all for now-M

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