Monday, July 5, 2010

Fairly calm 4th

With the way the 4th weekend started with the boat ramp mishap, I was a little concerned as how the rest of the weekend was going to go.  Well, things were pretty calm.  The campground had some kid games on Saturday.  Vel and I help with those.  We had an egg toss, water balloon toss, gunny sack race, carry the egg on a spoon relay,  musical lawn chairs, and fill the bucket with a wet sponge game. We had about 34 kids participate.  Toddlers to teenagers, they all seemed to enjoy it.  They all received a prize at the end!

Here is a before and during picture of part of the campground. Full house!
On Sunday the 4th we had a little parade in the campground and then a watermelon feed after that.  They even had a dog that was patriotic!  The swimming pool was full all weekend!  The weather turned out to be warm and humid, most of the weekend, except for a little rain Sunday morning.  So all in all it was a very nice weekend!

Vel and I did our walk through the campground at about 9:30 in the evening, to make sure the campground rules were being followed.  In Iowa the only consumer fireworks allowed are sparklers, but at the campground the rule is NO fireworks allowed. (That's a big change for us) So, we had one campsite that had a few sparklers, we had to remind them of the campground rule. Rules are rules, even if we don't agree with them.  At 10pm the towns firework display, put on by the Volunteer Fire Department. started on the north side of the lake.  They had a very nice display for about a half hour. And thus, the end, to the Holiday weekend!-M

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