Friday, March 19, 2010

Dentist visit

   We went to Corpus Christi yesterday, so Vel could see a special Dentist about a tooth that has been giving her trouble. The end result was it had to be pulled-bummer. They pretty much did everything to save it, but it was not to be. Driving down Ocean Drive, we stopped at a park and got a picture of the skyline. We carefully drove through downtown, because of all the spring breakers, that were at the beach and marina area. They were pulling in and out of parking spots and people all around.

We saw this statue, while we were stopped at a light. Not sure what that is all about, but it looks interesting.
I went to a HEB plus grocery store, while Vel was at the dentist. Its along the lines of a Super Walmart. It has a little bit of everything it seems. Nice store.  After she was done we stopped at Sunset Harvest for a few things, and then headed home. So, I got my Grocery store fix for the day-Ha Ha!-M

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