A cold front came through on Monday evening, cooling off the temps. Yesterday the sun came out, and got up to 50. Today is cloudy and it's suppose to rain later and into tomorrow. I'm not complaining, it's alot better than up north.
The pink bird is a Roseate Spoonbill, they mostly live along the gulf coast and are pink because of all the shrimp they eat. Their bill is in the shape of a spoon. The white birds are Egrets and you see them all over down here. You can see a barge going down the channel in the first picture, if you look real close.
Vel is starting a blog: Tucker's Doggie Tales. It will be about all the dogs he meets in our travels, and sometime cats. So, we'll see how that goes. I'll put a link to it on the side of this blog, when I figure it out!
So - if I eat a lot of shrimp will my hair turn pink?