Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Geocaching down the Key

We decided to go geocaching as we drove down Longboat Key.  We are glad we did, as we stopped at neat places, that we would not of found just driving through. 
The town of Anna Marie was a busy beach town, but we found a cache there in a park and hardly anyone was around. It was a nice place to walk the dogs!

See the coconut hanging from the tree? Nice cache. 
No geocache here, but lots of places to hide one!
We loved the beautiful blue Gulf waters.
Nice little restaurant by the water, there was a cache close by that we couldn't find. Rats!
Driving down the Key.

We found another beautiful city park that had a couple of caches hidden. The hibiscus were blooming and there were tons of little lizards running around. We took the dogs for another walk and they went crazy hunting for the lizards and squirrels, of course. 
It had been another Great day of geocaching!

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