Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cockroaches and Lizards

Neat bench at a dog playground in Missouri
 It's always interesting to see what different types of bugs, animals and creatures, that different areas of the country have.  Not always in a good way.  The cockroaches and grasshoppers are very large down here!! There are lots of little lizards running around.  And there are those large lizards, called Alligators, here also. I guess there is a 3ft one in the front pond and a 5ft in the back pond.  I got a glimpse of the 3footer, maybe I'll get a picture someday.  And of course there are the Gators, just an hour away in Gainesville. (Univ. of Florida)

Another cute lizard
 We have fire ants, no see-ums, centipedes and the cable installer (cable guy) said he saw a scorpion today. Yikes!!!  But I guess they are nocturnal....-still-Yikes!!  I saw a deer run through the park today-nice surprise!...At least we don't have bears, that I know of!

Vel ran into some poison ivy, then she was told to spray herself with windex and then take a shower in Dawn. I guess they weren't pulling her leg, because it must of worked, no welts or itching.....so far.
large cockroach-Yuck!!!
So, I guess you have to take the good with the bad.......I think we can handle it!

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