Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lost dog update

We found a home!!!!!! One of our posters worked. It didn't seem like we were going to find the owners, maybe he was dumped here, who knows. But a nice couple from Houston, that were down for the Oysterfest, took him home. They have a 3 year old dog that just lost his buddy, so it seems like a perfect fit!
In researching for a home for him, made me realize how many homeless dogs they have down here! It seems way too many! So sad!
On the lighter side, I made a dice board game. One of our friends down here had showed us his game that he made. So, I made a smaller version of it. Gail and Vel are posing behind it. It's a fun easy game.
The long track in the picture is a sand belt racing track. There are a couple of places down here that have them. We are hoping to see them in action before we leave. Maybe I'll have to bring my sander down next year, or did I sell that?? I'm sure I can find one somewhere if I did. That's Texas entertainment for ya! -M

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