Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back to Blogging

Hail damaged (dirty) vent cover

After a trip to Nebraska, I'm back in Texas. I guess I should get  back to blogging.

Pile of hail and tons of leaves

While I was away, there was a severe Thunderstorm that went through the campground. Hail, 70mph winds and some people said they heard the roar of a train.  So, there may have been a tornado. The hail hit the rig hard, Vel said it was very loud.  We had hail damage to the rig in 4 areas, haven't got the estimate back yet. The pick-up received 2700.00 worth of hail damage. They estimated at least 150 dents, just on the hood. WOW!!!!
There are auto hail removers tents all over the place down here. Imagine that!! We got a good recommendation from a permanent place here, I think we will go with them.
Size of hail about 3 hours post storm

The other day after our dog walk, we were stepping into the rig and Vel jumped back, in surprise, at this little lizard or geiko, or whatever it was.  Kind of cute!! She put her hand out and it climbed onto it. So, then she brought it over to the tree and let it jump off.  I don't think I'd like it inside the rig.
Mr. little lizard climbing on rig
 We went out and did a little Geocaching the other day and then decided to go over the the Island. We drove down the beach and then to the jettys. We saw this large ship heading down the channel, so we stopped to watch it. The back of it said it was from Panama.  The birds along the jettys were fun to watch, also.  Brown Pelicans will dive into the water and try to catch fish. Whereas, White Pelicans will not dive, I guess they are more graceful as how they catch dinner.
Ship going through channel

Brown Pelican
The pass few days have been really nice, but they are predicting chance of thunderstorms with hail, tonight. I sure hope not!! Later-M

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