Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kayaking in Crystal River

A week ago, a group of us headed down to Crystal River to Kayak at Three Sisters Spring and out to Kings Bay.  We were hoping the manatees were still hanging around the spring, and there were a few!  The springs are a constant 73 degrees, so when it gets cold, the manatees head for the springs area. Since it was a warmish day (70s) we weren't sure that they would be there. The springs are a very pretty aqua blue, as you can see.  We couldn't of asked for a nicer day!  At the beginning of Kings bay we stopped and had a little lunch, then headed to the Marina and tootled around.  By then we decided it was time to head back to the launch. We had a single manatee swimming along with us, towards the end of the canal. Maybe she/he was just saying...see ya later. 
Vel paddling in the springs area
Dark spots are the manatees
Manatee between kayak and snorkler
Lunch Break
Manatee following us out
Manatee and Vel
                     Bottle tree (below)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Carriage ride through a Florida Forest.

Florida isn't all Beaches and Palm Trees in this area. We met someone at the RV Park, that winters by the Goethe State Forest. They have friends with horses and Carriages. So, they invited some of us over for a Carriage ride through the Forest and neighboring area, along with supper. It was a lot of Fun!  Here are some pictures of that day.
Starting out.
Heading up the trail.
Along a paved road. The last one is going the other way.  They are in training.
The gals on the ride.
One of the Carriages
A stop along the way...... Tall horse!! I think it's a Percheron....  17 hands. I'll have to check on that.
On the trail.........

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Groundhogs Day!!

Surprise!!! I am blogging!! Not a lot, just a little. We are in Florida, for the winter. We only have 2 months left, out of our 6 here.  Time is going soooo fast!!! Here are a few pics that I have taken. 
Three Sisters Spring
See the Manatees
Until Later.....M