Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Boat rides and Sunsets

Cormorants on posts
 We took a Boat Tour of the Islands around Cedar Key the other day.  It was a beautiful day and a great boat ride.  We were told about the history of the area and what animals and sea life are around here.  Very interesting!! We loved it!!
The Captain of the boat, sped it up, so the Dolphins would play in the wake.  That was an extra bonus.

Seahorse Island

Dolphins chasing waves

Birds hanging out on Island

A Cedar Key Sunset
 We went to town a couple of nights, to see the sunset.  We weren't disappointed!  Very beautiful!!
We have had very nice weather. We have put up Christmas lights and decorations in the Clubhouse and around our rig. So, it's very festive in the park!! All we need is the snow!!  Just kidding!
Another Cedar Key Sunset

Remainder of Cedar Key Sunset

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Way down upon the Suwannee............

Gulf Coast
 Last Sunday, we had to go to the grocery store, so we decided to take the long way around.  We drove over to an area that's good for kayak launching.  Beautiful area, there are alot of little islands around. Can't wait until we get on the water. Walked the dogs around, I think they liked all the new smells!

Look out over the Gulf Coast

Island off coast

Suwanee River

Stopped for Lunch by the Suwanee River

House Boat painted like a Log Cabin

Next to the Suwanee River

Suwanee River

 Then we went up the road to find a restaurant for lunch.  We knew there was one on the Suwanee river. It was off the main highway, but we found it. It looked like one of those interesting places, but turned out pretty nice.
We were able to sit outside, with the dogs, and eat right next to the Suwanne.

 We had the Specials, Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Wings and (can you believe) 50 cent draws!!  Good Food!  We will be back!

One thing we are surprised about, is all the pine trees in this area. There are pine farms, you can tell by the straight lines that they are in.  They also harvest the pine needles that drop off, for landscaping mulch.  There use to be a pencil factory in Cedar Key, many moons ago. There are Palm trees like we expected and the same type of oak trees that they have in Texas. (Always dropping leaves, through the winter.  I sweep the patio at least twice a day.) Better than Snow!!!!:)

 The Manatee's swim up the Suwanee River, to the various Springs that are warm, when the temps get cooler. They can't survive very long in cold water.  We will have to check out those Springs when it gets cooler.
That's all for now- Later-M

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Seafood Festival

craft tents
 We went early to the Seafood Festival last Saturday, to beat the crowd. By the time we got to the other end of the line, the street was packed! So we didn't to to bad, except, we had to go back to the beginning end, through the crowd.

Park on the Gulf
I tried the fried Shrimp and oyster plate, very good.  And also the clam boil platter, with the local clams.  Also very good.

There was a nice little parade.  I'm not sure the dogs in it. were too excited.

We have always enjoyed checking out festivals in different areas of the country.

Parade (see the dog in the front seat?)

see the dog on the back of the golf cart?


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

Above the springs
We went to Homosassa Springs FL, Tuesday, mainly to see the Manatees. And ended up seeing many different animals, mammals and birds.  Very much worth the trip!

Manatee feeding time

2 manatees


3 Eagles (unable to fly)

Mr Alligator

Lu the Hippo


White Pelicans
The pictures don't really show the size of the Manatees, but they are very large!

We are finding out that there are alot of fun places to go and explore while we are here.
It's already been a month, so I guess we better get busy to get it all in!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cockroaches and Lizards

Neat bench at a dog playground in Missouri
 It's always interesting to see what different types of bugs, animals and creatures, that different areas of the country have.  Not always in a good way.  The cockroaches and grasshoppers are very large down here!! There are lots of little lizards running around.  And there are those large lizards, called Alligators, here also. I guess there is a 3ft one in the front pond and a 5ft in the back pond.  I got a glimpse of the 3footer, maybe I'll get a picture someday.  And of course there are the Gators, just an hour away in Gainesville. (Univ. of Florida)

Another cute lizard
 We have fire ants, no see-ums, centipedes and the cable installer (cable guy) said he saw a scorpion today. Yikes!!!  But I guess they are nocturnal....-still-Yikes!!  I saw a deer run through the park today-nice surprise!...At least we don't have bears, that I know of!

Vel ran into some poison ivy, then she was told to spray herself with windex and then take a shower in Dawn. I guess they weren't pulling her leg, because it must of worked, no welts or far.
large cockroach-Yuck!!!
So, I guess you have to take the good with the bad.......I think we can handle it!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Already been here 2 weeks!

Cedar Key Sunset
 I can't believe it's been 2 weeks already!  We are slowly settling in.  The sunsets are beautiful here. It's a quaint little town. A native told me that Cedar Key is what Key West was 30 years ago.

Dock Street

Cool Building
We plan on trying all the eating establishments, slowly.  They are known for their clamming here. But have not tried any yet.    

It's warm and humid, just the way I like it!!
Evening Thunderheads over Clubhouse

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Quick trip to Florida!!!

We are in Florida for the winter. We decided that we wanted another workamping gig. We sent out our resume to several places, west coast to Florida. Cedar Key, Fl called last Thursday, said that they wanted us and come on down!! So, that's what we did! 1400 miles in 4 days, with a 5th wheel camper, I don't recommend it. We were tired!
So, we took a few pics today and I'll post more later. -M

Friday, August 31, 2012

Someone reminded me that I need to blog

I am a slacker at blogging!! :)
We have been in western Iowa this summer, at a campground, workamping. Summer has gone so fast!
We have a couple more weeks here and we aren't sure where we are going next.
We went to a couple Husker volleyball games last weekend, they were great!
So I have a few pictures, one of Luxi and here favorite place to be, on her blanket, on the bed. The golden finches ( Iowas state bird) on our feeders, outside our back window. And my new Great Niece, Tyler Lee! What a cutie!!
So, thats it for now, - M

Saturday, March 24, 2012


The Texas Bluebonnets are in full bloom! Beautiful!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vel's no tell look and Springbreak

Vel likes to play Texas Holdem on Monday nights. She doesn't have a poker face, so she went to play the other night dressed like this. Sounds like she got a few laughs!

Last week we drove down the beach during spring break, just for fun. There definitely were alot of kids!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lost dog update

We found a home!!!!!! One of our posters worked. It didn't seem like we were going to find the owners, maybe he was dumped here, who knows. But a nice couple from Houston, that were down for the Oysterfest, took him home. They have a 3 year old dog that just lost his buddy, so it seems like a perfect fit!
In researching for a home for him, made me realize how many homeless dogs they have down here! It seems way too many! So sad!
On the lighter side, I made a dice board game. One of our friends down here had showed us his game that he made. So, I made a smaller version of it. Gail and Vel are posing behind it. It's a fun easy game.
The long track in the picture is a sand belt racing track. There are a couple of places down here that have them. We are hoping to see them in action before we leave. Maybe I'll have to bring my sander down next year, or did I sell that?? I'm sure I can find one somewhere if I did. That's Texas entertainment for ya! -M