Saturday, July 30, 2011

Visiting SE South Dakota

Turbulent Gavins Point Dam-releasing 160,000 cubic feet /sec
  We spent a few days at Lewis and Clark campground by Yankton SD.  We stopped at the bottom of Gavins Point Dam. Very impressive water flow, unfortunately its doing alot of damage downstream.
Colorful Jet Skis at the Marina

View from campsite
We had a site that backed up for a lake view, very nice.  One of the things I enjoy is having my morning cup of coffee, sitting outside,  listening and watching the birds. It was a perfect spot for that! 
Abundant Mayflies

Mist from Dam

The Bluffs

Having fun Kayaking

Barn Swallow homes (Holes in the Cliff)
The park has very nice bike/walking trails, so we took advantage of those. We also got the kayaks out one morning, while the wind was light, so peaceful!
The dogs love it too.  Except when one of the Mayflies decided to land on Luxi's butt, she jumped a foot and was paranoid to go outside after that.  We had to take her across the road from then on out, to a special spot, so she would go potty.  She is our high maintenance dog!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Giant Spam Sandwich

Volunteers making the Spam Sandwich
 Here are some pictures of the World Record Giant Spam Sandwich!  When we went to JC Fremont Days, we watched them make it.  It doesn't look very appealing to me.
Moving the Spam Sandwich after adding Pickles

All I can say is YUK!

My Grandma had a Blue Ford Falcon like this, except it had a white top.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Full waterway

Full waterway
  Behind my folk's house, I'm not sure if you consider it a creek or what. It's just a little small waterway that runs through town. But in June we received quite a bit of rain and it seemed every time it rained, this waterway would fill up considerably!  I shot the pictures from the dining room window.  The football field, on the other side, would have to be completely flooded before any threat of it coming up to the house. But it sure gets full!!

The normal waterway
Normally it hardly has any water in it, mostly tall grasses and I'm sure a few frogs!
Vel and I went to JC Fremont days yesterday. They made the largest Spam sandwich in the world. I forgot my camera, but took some with my phone.  So, maybe I'll post them when I get them off the phone.
We also walked through the car show, it was one of the biggest one's I've seen lately. I love to look at all different kinds of cars. They had a few motorcycles and scooters also.  We filled ourselves with BBQ, funnel cakes, corn dogs and fresh lemonade.  We didn't have the guts to try the Spam sandwich, but saw a few people walking around with a large platefuls of it. (No Thanks!!) 
It was nice to get back to my folk's house to cool off-Later_M