Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Boat rides and Sunsets

Cormorants on posts
 We took a Boat Tour of the Islands around Cedar Key the other day.  It was a beautiful day and a great boat ride.  We were told about the history of the area and what animals and sea life are around here.  Very interesting!! We loved it!!
The Captain of the boat, sped it up, so the Dolphins would play in the wake.  That was an extra bonus.

Seahorse Island

Dolphins chasing waves

Birds hanging out on Island

A Cedar Key Sunset
 We went to town a couple of nights, to see the sunset.  We weren't disappointed!  Very beautiful!!
We have had very nice weather. We have put up Christmas lights and decorations in the Clubhouse and around our rig. So, it's very festive in the park!! All we need is the snow!!  Just kidding!
Another Cedar Key Sunset

Remainder of Cedar Key Sunset