Saturday, December 25, 2010


Our Christmas Flag

See the bird in the tree limb?

We were hearing a tap, tap, tap and could not figure out were it was coming from. Then our friend said she saw a bird knocking out a hole in the tree right behind our rigs. We think it is a sapsucker, which is a type of a woodpecker. Cute little thing.

Mr. Brown Pelican

We had a turkey dinner Thursday and left overs Friday with our friends Rick and Gail.  Since Vel didn't get to cook a Turkey on Thanksgiving, We decided to do it now and it was delicious!! When we all went grocery shopping for the turkey, Vel brought the tape measure, so we would get one that would fit in the small oven that we have. She had to crunch up the aluminum pan a little, but it all fit!
Last night the campground had a little get together with everyone bringing snacks, that we went to. Today they are cooking the ham and the rest is potluck. We will also go to that! We definatly are not starving down here!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Keeping Busy

PVC bike rack
 Well, I made my PVC bike rack for the pick-up. But it will also work just sitting by the rig. When it's in the pick-up, the back wheels will go in the rack and the front tires come off and the forks fit inside the U shaped pvc. I tried it out and with a few bungies, it will work great.
    I took a few pictures of our site, it's in the new area of the park. We like it!

We drove over to the beach the other day, hardly anyone was there and it was a nice day.  Everyone must be out shopping for Christmas.  We saw Santa shirtless!, along with his elves!!

Beach Christmas decorations

We drove around town the other night looking for Christmas lights. We found a few, but not alot. The full moon with the Town's Christmas tree across the bay, was a very pretty sight. The picture just doesn't quite show how cool it was.
I can't believe we've been here 3 weeks now, time has gone by so fast. 
Yesterday, we cleaned the carpet, and today after grocery shopping, I washed and treated the pick-up. There is always something to do! 
Full moon with Lighted Christmas tree across bay

Monday, December 13, 2010

new bikes

 Well, we did it, we bought new bikes. We want to do some light trail riding and with what we had, just wasn't for that. So, with a trip to the "big city", we came back with a couple of cheaper bikes. We thought about finding some at a garage sale around here, in fact I went out to one, but they had been sold. The problem with that is, since we are so close to the gulf, the salty air is very hard on the metal. What we would find, might be so rusty, it would be hard to get to a good working condition. We sat down the other day and treated our new bikes with rust resistant sprays, hopefully that will help preventing rust.

Maybe what we should of done, is bought one of these 4 passenger bikes, that way the dogs could have a seat, too.  Ha Ha!!
Now I have a project, to build a bike rack for the back of the pick-up. Yesterday, I went to Lowe's to buy some PVC pipe for the idea that I have.  If it works, I'll post a picture.....Later -M

Friday, December 10, 2010

Home base

  We have been at our Home Base for the winter, now for over a week. It's nice to be settled for a while.
We are anxious to go bird watching,  kayaking, beaching, geocaching and just hanging out. ( oh yeah, of course, eating!!)
Ready to go kayaking
One of the first things we had to do, was clean the rig and pick-up. They were filthy after our traveling.  The weather has been mostly nice, with a couple of cool days and a couple of hot days. The weatherman said that the kids needed their winter coats, the other day, because the temp was going to be in the 50's. I get a kick out of what they think is "cold"! Later, M

Monday, December 6, 2010

Next Stop

Staying by the bay

Our next stop was by the Marina in Palacios, TX. We were able to watch the fishing boats come and go, they also have a company that was building barges. We could see the welders  and cranes working on the barges. From what I've read, they make one barge a month.
Building Barges
Palacios is the shrimping capital of Texas. So, of course we had to try it out. We found a local restaurant and I had the catfish with shrimp and Vel had the Coconut Shrimp. Mine was very good and Vel's was excellent! The best coconut shrimp I've ever had! Very reasonably priced, too.
Another beautiful sunset

Coming back in

Good Food!


Double yum

We found a couple of geocaches, while we were there. They also have a very nice seawall park, that was fun to drive through. It was kind of a quiet little town.-Later M

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Down by the water

Our view from our back window

Site #2

After we got off the ferry, we drove through Galveston. Hurricane Ike came through Sept of 2008 and we could see some damage still, but they look like they are almost back to normal. It  looks like a fun town to hang around, maybe next time.

Relaxing spot

We arrived at our next destination, our spot  almost right on the beach! We loved this spot! It's a Motel/RV park. The owner built it right after Hurricane Ike, so it's only about 2 years old. He gave us our choice of sites. Site #1 is the most popular and the most expensive, so we took Site#2, in hopes no one would take #1. Which they didn't and we had a great view!!
We turned our chairs around, so we could just marvel in the beauty of the Gulf and listen to the constant roar of the waves, soooooo relaxing!
How can you beat this?

Turn chairs around-Have morning coffee-How relaxing!

 We wanted to try the local fare, so we went to a recommended eatery.  Vel got the shrimp/chips and I got the fish/chips.  We did take-out because we wanted to bring it back home, so we could take in more of the view.  Both were good.
Time for morning walk

The dogs loved the beach, so many new smells.
We reluctantly had to move on, but we will definitely try to get back! Later-M