Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finally Blogging

Well here it is, after 1 1/2 years I've finally started blogging. So I guess we'll see how well we stay with it. The picture is of Vel, by the water, just enjoying the sunshine. It definitely has been cooler down here than last year. Not too many days wearing shorts for us. Today I think it got up to 45 degrees. I know its alot better that snow and 10 degrees, but good grief, we are down south. for pete sake.
We have gotten the kayaks out once, since we've been down here. So once it warms up we have found some really nice kayak trails to go on.
We have been geocaching, we are up to 140 finds. We really enjoy this, as it takes us places we would never normally go to. There have been a few that have stumped us, and a few that took a couple different trips to find.
This is all for my first day of blogging-So, Blog to you later-He He.